Convert time in seconds to HH:MM:SS

## Convert time in seconds to hours:minutes:seconds
# @param sec Time in seconds
# @return The time in hh:mm:ss format
def SecToTime(Sec): 
  H = int(Sec / 3600)
  M = int(Sec / 60 - H * 60)
  S = int(Sec - (H * 3600 + M * 60))

  if len(str(H)) == 1: time = "0" + str(H) + ":"
  else: time = str(H) + ":"
  if len(str(M)) == 1: time = time + "0" + str(M) + ":"
  else: time = time + str(M) + ":"

  if len(str(S)) == 1: time = time + "0" + str(S) 
  else: time = time + str(S) 
  return time

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