Below is the window with the label’s default font and style.
Next, we will add the font attribute to the label widget to customize the font style and size. In this example, we are going to change the font style to “Impact” and the font size to 20. The possible font styles are listed on the page
The aim of the tutorial is to display an image using Tkinter. The image will change when a button is pressed.
Step 1
Create the Tkinter window.
import tkinter as tk
win = tk.Tk()
When executed the code should generate a window 750 by 450.
TK window
Step 2
Display the image in the window. The code will load the image into a variable called photo. The code then adds a Label to the window of the type image and populates the label with the photo. In this example, the image is called car-jump.gif and the python code will assume the image file is in the same directory as the python code.
When executed the code will create a window with an image.
Step 4
Add a button to the window. First, we are going to add a button to the window and confirm the button will print a message when clicked. In the next step, we will link the button to the image.
import tkinter as tk
def change_image():
print("Button has been clicked")
win = tk.Tk()
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file='car-jump.gif')
image = tk.Label(win, image=photo)
button = tk.Button(win, text="Click to change image", command=change_image)
When executed the window should show the image and a button.
Tk window with image and button
In the console window, you should see the message “Button has been clicked”, every time the button has been clicked.
Step 5
In this step we will add the code to the change_image function that will change the image from car to a flower. In this example, the code assumes the flower.gif file will be in the same folder as the python code.
Today I have been busy developing a stepper motor service class. The service class will allow the Team Seaford robot to play crazy golf.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
class ServiceStepMotor:
PinPhase1 = 14
PinPhase2 = 15
PinPhase3 = 17
PinPhase4 = 16
Steps = [
StepIndex = 0
MotorOnTime = 0.05
## Constructor
# @param self Class pointer
def __init__(self):
## Change pin type to output
# @param self Class pointer
# @param pin Pin Number
def SetPinToOutput(self, pin):
## Turn output pin On
# @param self Class pointer
# @param pin Pin Number
def On(self, pin):
print "On="+str(pin)
## Turn output pin off
# @param self Class pointer
# @param pin Pin Number
def Off(self, pin):
GPIO.output(pin, 0)
## Change the output state of a pin
# @param self Class pointer
# @param PinNumber GPIO pin number
# @param PinValue The new value for the GPIO pin
def ChangeOuput(self, PinNumber, PinValue):
GPIO.output(PinNumber, PinValue)
## Move stepper motor
# @param self Class Pointer
# @param Direction 1 = Forwards, 0 = Backwards
def Step(self, direction):
# Increment / decrement step count based on direction
if (direction):
# forward
self.StepIndex += 1
# backwards
self.StepIndex -= 1
# Check if we have passed the end of the steps list
if (self.StepIndex >= len(self.Steps)):
self.StepIndex = 0
# Check if we have reached the start of the steps list
if (self.StepIndex < 0):
self.StepIndex = len(self.Steps) - 1
# Set output pin states
print "StepIndex=" + str(self.StepIndex)
phase = self.Steps[self.StepIndex]
self.ChangeOuput(self.PinPhase1, phase[0])
self.ChangeOuput(self.PinPhase2, phase[1])
self.ChangeOuput(self.PinPhase3, phase[2])
self.ChangeOuput(self.PinPhase4, phase[3])
#for i in range(len(phase)):
# self.On(phase[i])
# Delay while motor turns
The example code below shows how to use the stepper motor service class.
import ServiceStepMotor
sm = ServiceStepMotor.ServiceStepMotor()
print "Step forwards 10 steps"
for i in range(10):
print "Step forward " + str(i)
print "Step backwards 10 steps"
for i in range(10):
print "Step backward " + str(i)
print "Finish"
Our robot is alive and moving. At the heart of the Team Seaford robot control is the ServiceIo class. The ServiceIo class is responsible for controlling the four drive motors. Each motor is connected to a H bridge motor controller. The H bridge controllers require two inputs per motor. The inputs control the direction of travel.