How To Mock A Function And Confirm the Function Was Called

In this article we are demostrate how to mock a function and confirm the function was called multiple times with two different tests of arguments.


  • Create the react app npc create-react-app demo-mocking-function-calls.
  • Change directory cd demo-mocking-function-calls
  • Create the file DemoMockingFunctionCalls.js in the src directory. A referance to the function f is passed as an argument to the function DemoMockingFunctionCalls. The function calls f twice with two different sets of arguments.

  • Create the file DemoMockingFunctionCalls.test.js in the src directory. The unit test will create a mocked function f using the jest library const f = jest.fn();. The assert checks that the function was called twice by checking the f.mock.calls matches the array of expected calls.

  • Run the tests npm test

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