How To Create a Combobox React Component With Unit Tests

In this article we will create a React component that displays a Combobox. The values of the combobox are set from an array. We will also create unit test to confirm the components functionality.

Component Setup

  • Create the app npx create-react-app demo-select.
  • Change directory cd demo-select.
  • Create a directory within src called components.
  • Create a file called DemoSelect.js withing the components directory.

  • Create a file called DemoSelect.test.js

  • Run the tests npm test

  • To use the component add an include line to your project file eg import DemoSelect from './DemoSelect';. Create a list of options eg const optionList = ["apple", "orange"];, create an instance of the component and pass the list to the component <DemoSelect optionList={optionList} />.

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